
Abdominal Strength and Bolsters

Bolsters can be used for restoration (restorative yoga) and yin yoga in your yoga classes to allow for more ease when the position is being held for longer. Another great use is to create an easier feeling in the body in deep poses, working towards the full asana. Here are a few examples of different uses, from passive yin restorative poses to dynamic deeper stretching.
In this post we are exploring the position of lengthy back muscles to ensure good core work.

1. Four limbed postures - Chaturanga


Learning to lift directly from a straight line to a plank pose, or from chaturanga to plank can be assisted with a bolster.
Place the bolster between the hips and the ribs, the bolster supporting the lift of the belly, the rotation of the pelvis and the ribcage, keeping the lower back open and broad, thus shoulderblades also staying open and broad. Then align arms so that there is a 90 degree angle in all the bends of the arm. Press down, contract inwards and lift upwards into Kumbhakasana.

Get your studio supplied with bolsters today

2. Boat Pose - Navasana

Commonly in navasana, there's a tendency to have tension in the thighs and hip flexor. The bolster helps by letting the hips sink a little to find the less strained lower back and to find the abdominal muscles better. It is fun to find your balance on the bolster, toning the abs.

Navasana with bent legs

3. Dish/Hollow Body - Ardha Navasana

Place the middle of the back onto the edge of the bolster, press that part of the back into the bolster to engage the upper abdominal muscles. While stretching the arms forward. Scoop the tail bone and engage the lower abs. Slight pressure down on the legs to feel the thighs moving down.

Ardha Navasana
Ab exercise

To challenge the abdominal muscles, remain exactly like so, and move the arms to a dish or hollow body position.

4. Handstand preparations - Hastasana / Adho Mukha Vrksasana strengthening

Starting in Ardha Navasana Position, move to hollow body and continue to extend the body lengthways, stretching up and down to create a supine handstand position. The bolsters are there to help you feel the mid back pushing down and the feet pressing and engaging the legs.

Hollow Body position
Hollow body to handstand on bolsters

5. Handstand positioning training

This is a great position to use as a relaxation position, opening the back. It is showing the body good handstand practice too. Feel the lift of the front of body as you open the back of the , lengthening again as previous position, up and down. This can be taken into Salabhasana practice, pushing down and lifting legs and chest upward.

Handstand preparation

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black bolsters
lime bolsters
grey bolsters
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