
Stretching and bolsters

Bolsters can be used for restoration (restorative yoga) and yin yoga in your yoga classes to allow for more ease when the position is being held for longer. Another great use is to create an easier feeling in the body in deep poses, working towards the full asana. Here are a few examples of different uses, from passive yin restorative poses to dynamic deeper stretching.
In this post we are exploring ways to enhance the stretch in the poses with the bolsters.

1. Western stretch - Paschimottanasana


Placing the bolster under the knees for a forward fold enables other parts of the body to be felt, instead of the hamstrings and back of the knees taking all the attention. Allows the rest of the back line, which comes from the toes right around the back of the body, overhead and ends at the eyebrow, to be opened. Feel the lowerback getting a gentle opening and stretch.

2. Chest opening

This expansion is vitally important to improve the openness of the upper chest. Great to improve any inversions needing shoulder flexibility, Handstands, Pincha Mayurasana as well as backbending such as Urdhva Dhanurasana and all back bends.
The bolster can be placed lengthwise for more support, as the chest can open more with the arms overhead, allow the bolster to be across so that it expands the chest more.
Reminder: 1. Pull the belly down with upper abs to open the mid back, 2. outer rotation of arms moving overhead, hugging into the lats, 3. Lengthen back as much as possible over the bolster.
Both ways can be done with legs stretched out straight or bent. Be aware both ways that the belly is active, so that the lower back is not being dropped.

Navasana with bent legs

3. Moon Pose Lying down - Urdhva Hastasana

Lie down with the ribs onto the bolster and stretch sideways over. This will gently stretch the lats and open the rib cage.

Urdhva Hastasana

4. Wide angle Pose - Upavista Konasana

The inner thigh can be a stubborn muscle to allow relaxation in, placing oneself on the bolster is really great for allowing more relaxation in the groin. The second option of lying down on the bolster often gets met with a giggle in the class, or just outright laughing, allow to build the front platform with 2 bolsters and even supporting with a brick underneath to create a higher platform.

Upavista konasana

Awesome colours available

black bolsters
lime bolsters
grey bolsters
Burgundy bolsters

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