
Bolsters and Backbending

Bolsters can be used for restoration (restorative yoga) and yin yoga in your yoga classes to allow for more ease when the position is being held for longer. Another great use is to create an easier feeling in the body in deep poses, working towards the full asana. Here are a few examples of different uses, from passive yin restorative poses to dynamic deeper stretching.

1. Cobra - Bhujangasana

Cobra Pose Preparation

Starting position, lying with the bolster giving pressure to the intestines. After relaxing here a while, place the hands under the shoulders, in line with the chest. Press down and push the pelvis into the bolster to activate the legs and abdominal muscles.

Cobra P
Get your studio supplied with bolsters today

Placing the bolster in line with the hip joints allows the pelvis to be supported in the posterior pelvis tilt and take strain off the lower back. Start this pose with lying over the bolster and the hands under the shoulders, in a push up position. A really feeling good cobra pose is now absolutely possible. The pose can be held or one could move in and out of the pose with the bolster.

Flowing cobra: Move from Cobra pose to Pose of the child with outstretched arms on the bolster (great for a shoulder stretch) and then back into cobra.

2. Upward facing Dog - Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

In the upward facing Dog Pose, the thighs should be lifted off the floor, which requires strong activation of the legs.

preparation for upwardfacing dog pose
Upwardfacing dog on bolster

3. Dhanurasana variation - Strengthening legs and opening chest

In the same position as for Bhujangasana, take hold of the ankles and start kicking the feet backwards into the hands. Aim to keep the knees on the floor. This will strenghten the legs tremendously, finding the push back you desire for Dhanurasana - Bow Pose. The shoulders will be pulled back by the legs.

Dhanurasana variation with bolster

Feel the activation of the pelvis into the bolster to understand how the Bow Pose deepens with opening and strenghtening the hips.

4. Pigeon Pose - Rajakapotasana

Pigeon pose is one of the favourites for hip opening and glut stretching. Be aware that on the bolster the knee is asked to be at a right angle, thus if the hip is not open enough more padding might be necessary. Doing this pose with the bolster has the benefit of letting the body feel the straight alignment of the hips. Then further to continue into backbending, the full Rajakapotasana where you take hold of the foot behind into a backbend.

Pigeon stretch with bolster
Working to Rajakapotasana with bolster

5. Pose of the Child - Balasana

Restorative Pose after doing the backbends, ensuring that the lower back is open and relaxed.

Pigeon stretch with bolster

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lime bolsters
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