
शिव संहिता २॥२३॥
तत्र विद्युल्लता फारा कुण्डली परदेवता
साहूॅत्रिकरा कुण्डली सुषुम्नामार्गासंस्थिता

Shiva Samhita 2.23
Supreme Goddess Kundalini
in the form of lightning, in a coil,
positioned at the mouth of Sushumna

Free your mind, expand your consciousness with further yoga education

Enjoying your yoga and now seeking deeper experience, deeper exploration and more knowledge. The advanced yoga teaching course will take you on a journey of the yogic path and practice.
Yoga is the practice of union and the ancient science of understanding the essence of the whole, the universe and our space within it or as it.

Learn the ways of the yogi as given by the first Nath Yogi, Adinath, Shiva and explained in the Sutras by Goraknath and his ascetic disciples.
Ready to explore the practice of yoga, become an advanced yoga practitioner on a weekly basis. A great way to expand into the teachings, whether you join in-person or online.
Monthly joining fee is R1 400 per month or R450 per class, for a full and comprehensive class of 2 hours per week, and you can cancel at any time.

All are welcome to join! Join now @ R1 400 per month or R450 per class

Yoga immersion - weekend retreat

A weekend of immersion in the practice of yoga and the teachings of the yogis.
  • Full 3 hour purna yoga class
  • Philosophical teachings on:
    - Samadhi,
    - non-attachment and non doing,
    - meditation practice of doubt
    - Letting be (wu wei)
  • Dharana practices from the Tantras
  • Connecting to other realms and spirit guides
  • Time to relax, walk and swim
  • Amazing vegetarian food
  • Full weekend @ R5 000
    With doing this course you will understand how to practice yoga for the rest of your life, taking you from following in a yoga class, to the point of practicing and guiding yourself to the next step of your own spiritual evolution. Understanding the reason for the practices to aid you in knowing your intention in the practice and guiding yourself to the desired results of the practice. Advanced practice takes you to the point where deeper exploration is done, where we can guide ourselves in the infinite journey of stilling the mind, finding who we are as the substrate of our creation, raising the kundalini energy, keeping you on the edge of exploration and self mastery.
    In following a general yoga class, there is no time to explain the intention or purpose of the practice. Whereas in the longer classes, there can be given time to explanation and understanding the purpose of the individual practices, then one can deepen awareness in the practices, also with giving more time for the actual practices to sink deeper into the experience for profound changes from the meditation and kriyas. There is a deeper delving into the origin of the practice and philosophy of the practice to profoundly understand the reason and meaning behind the practice, deepening purpose and intention. There is also time at the end of the practice to relook at the postural alignment of the specific poses allowing deepening of yoga asana itself.
    Advanced Yoga Class
    Learn advanced yoga practice with me today. Join the classes at any time. Contact me for further arrangements.
    You are welcome to contact us with any questions. 082 852 9289, jeanette@yogawisdom.co.za