
Relaxation with Bolsters

Bolsters can be used for restoration (restorative yoga) and yin yoga in your yoga classes to allow for more ease when the position is being held for longer. Another great use is to create an easier feeling in the body in deep poses, working towards the full asana. Here are a few examples of different uses, from passive yin restorative poses to dynamic deeper stretching.
In this post there are many ways of relaxaing on a bolster, either to fully relax or to allow some part of the body to open while relaxing. It is a vital step in the practice of yoga to understand that relaxation into a pose brings about openness and change. Use these poses for the benefit of deepening the experience of a position, of self.

1. Corpse Pose - Shavasana

This way of using the bolster under the knees, is absolutely AMAZING! A must try! Many people with lower back tension and discomfort believe that putting a cushion in the lower back is to prevent the dis-ease. It helps a little, reminding the body to fall in that direction towards the cushion. This way of the bolster, even 2 if there is severe discomfort, then the feet most likely will not touch the floor. The bolster behind the knees aids in bringing the lower back down into its natural position, more towards the anterior pelvis tilt, which elongates the lower back muscles.


The weight of the bolster on top of the body can feel very comforting, either lengthways or over the hip bones sideways too.

2. Pose of the child - Balasana

Often people find it difficult to get seated on the heels in this position, specially beginners. And then they blame the stomach rolls that get in the way, It is not the stomach that is in the way, it is the way we don't relax the back muscles. When we have the bolster between the thighs, hopefully we can find a letting go and elongation of the back muscles. Then the hips sink deeper and the tummy scoops inwards. Even try with 2 bolsters if necessary.


3. Wind Expeller - Pawanmuktasana


This pose is priceless. Besides the normal benefits of balancing the vayus, it realigns the spine and relaxes the spinal muscles. The reason we sink the back in inversions is that the spine is not in correct length. Even though this is a relaxation pose it is showing the body how the belly is curling in for great activation when going into any more challenging poses. Feel that the lower back is lengthened away from the midline by the bolster, and the shoulderblades are lengthened up as far away from the midline as well. Lengthening the spine is the most amazing feeling.

4. Prone lying position

Placing the bolster lengthways has similar effect as the previous Pawanmuktasana. If you place it sideways, it pushes more into the bowels, for awesome abdominal massage. having the benefits of pavanmuktasana.

prone pose on bolster
prone pose on bolster

5. Twisting Prone Position

This is just gorgeous, in front of the bolster place the side of the hip down and then turn to place the chest onto the bolster. Enjoy!

twisting on bolster
twisting on bolster

6. Firm Pose (flying fish pose) - Dradhasana

An alternative to lying on your back for relaxation. A brilliant alternative for expecting mothers. Place the bolsters to support the belly too.


7. Vipareeta Karani - Half Shoulderstand

This has come to be known as Vipareeta Karani, in the Hatha Pradipika Vipareeta Karani is described differently, but this has become like so. It is such an awesome pose to do. It's original form, not even what the upanishads describe it as, but the original version of this is not up against the wall, with a bolster. It is a shoulderstand where the hands are supporting the lower back and the back is not as raised as in Sarvangasana. It is a brilliant pose to learn the position and to find extreme relaxation for heart and tired legs. A must do! Check out the video to see how you can get into this in a funky way.

vipareeta Karani

8. Seal of Unity - Yoga Mudra

Yoga Mudra is an amazing pose, but not always easy to relax into. Try it with a bolster or 2. It is a binding and when we can't reach to the floor we don't feel the benefit of the seal (binding)

Yoga Mudra

9. Pranic Relaxation

I doubt this pose is well known, taught to us during Teachers Training from Durgana, Isha Yoga. The crossing of the arms closes and energises the Manipura Chakra, while the crossing of the legs contains the energy inwards of Muladhara chakra. An awesome practice. Don't miss out! Placing the bolster underneath the legs creates an even more relaxing space for the lower back. Especially for people with a deep bend in the lower backs or posterior pelvic tilt.

Pranic Relaxation
Pranic Relaxation

Awesome colours available

black bolsters
lime bolsters
grey bolsters
Burgundy bolsters

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